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Scroll down to see testimonials for Fairy Trail Rabbitry from our wonderful bunny homes! We absolutely love to stay in touch with our bunny homes so if you ever have any pics or updates please don't hesitate to send them to us! Bunny updates always make our day ♡ We want to thank everyone who has gotten a bunny from us for giving them such amazing, loving homes! If you are in love with your Fairy Trail bun and want to take the time to write us a testimonial, it is beyond appreciated! You can do so by filling out our google form here. Feel free to email pics to with the subject "Testimonial" if you want them to be included. Alternatively you can write a review on our Facebook page here and/or on our google business profile here and we will post them on our website for you!
Larke at Mountain Sky Rabbitry | Dusky (Lilac Tort VM), Echo (Blue VM), & Jasmine (Black Magpie VM) | December 2022 | Knoxville, TN
"Fairy Trail Rabbitry is such an amazing bunny breeder! My friend and I also have a small indoor rabbitry, and so far have 3 bunnies from Fairy Trail! They are one of our favorite rabbitries to work with.
They raise their buns indoors in their home in large, solid floored, cozy, bunny friendly enclosures! Their bunnies get attention from day one and are so well taken care of and loved. They are also mostly if not fully litter box trained by the time they go home - our girls from here are some of the cleanest buns we have! A good start makes a HUGE difference in a bunny's personality, and Fairy Trail definitely gives their babies an amazing start.
I first learned about them about a year ago when I adopted my sweet girl Dusky! Personally, it was my first experience adopting a breeder bun from an indoor breeder like myself with standards like this, and the difference was remarkable. Dusky came to me very used to being handled and loved - I could tell she had been thoroughly socialized! A few months later, Nikolai brought home our second girl from Fairy Trail - Echo! She's one of the gentlest and kindest bunnies we have. Most recently, we brought home Jasmine, an adult of theirs! Although Jazzy was born in a different rabbitry, Amy put in the effort to introduce her to a fully indoor, peopley, spoiled bunny life! She's been a spunky, friendly girl for us and we love her. Amy was finally able to adopt a bun from us about 4 months ago and I enjoy seeing updates of Willow being spoiled in her home!
Amy is very knowledgeable about everything bunny! She's such a great resource for information about bunny care etc. She also knows everything about each bunny of hers - preferences, personality, and what's best for them - which continues to showcase how dedicated she is to each individual bunny!
I'm so glad I found Fairy Trail and have been able to share bunny updates, experiences, knowledge, and more with her throughout the past year! I look forward to working with her more in the future as well. If you are on the search for the perfect bunny, I would highly recommend Fairy Trail Rabbitry as an ethical & indoor Holland Lop rabbitry in Kentucky and surrounding areas!"


Hannah | Luke (Frosty White Ear VC) | June 2022
"I adopted my bunny Luke through this rabbitry and I couldn't be happier! he's so sweet & loving. I love him to pieces and am forever thankful for these amazing people who raised him, as well as their amazing communication skills to make sure their bunnies are going to great homes :)"
Sarah | Bear (Broken Black Otter VC) and Macademia (Orange WE) | March 2022 | Paris, KY
"Absolutely adore this rabbitry! I’ve purchased two precious bunnies from them, and both buns were hand raised and so loving. I’ve messaged her for numerous questions and she is always ready to help me! You will not regret buying a bunny from Fairy Trail!"

Sheena | Thumper (Chestnut) | March 2022 | Hazard, KY
"I am thrilled with my little man that I received from fairy trail rabbity. I will be getting more to add to our family!"

Nikolai at Mountain Sky Rabbitry | Echo (Blue VM) | February 2022 | Knoxville, TN
"I really enjoyed getting my bunny from Fairy Trail. They were so communicative and flexible! Echo (Maddie) is a darling, just needs some more time to warm up to me! She is a perfect addition to our rabbitry and a very sweet girl. If I buy more buns in the future, I know Fairy Trail is a reputable, quality breeder!"

Chung | Pumpkin (Harlequin WE) | August 2021 | Louisville, KY
"We got a lovely wonderful rabbit from Fairy Trail Rabbitry. I feel confident that I have bought from a caring competent breeder. They have been resourceful with needed information about rabbit care before during and even after we purchased our beautiful little rabbit. Thank you! We are so pleased with our bunny ❤"
Erica | Winter (Magpie VC) | May 2021 | Lexington, KY
Instagram: @thebuns2021
"I picked up Winter almost a week ago and have been on cloud 9 ever since. I cannot say enough positive things about this rabbitry. caring, kind and loving not just to the bunnies they are raising but to their customers that adopt one of their buns. ❤️"
Drew | Jade (Black Tort VC) | March 2021 | Louisville, KY
"Got my bunny almost a week ago and I love her. She is my little best friend and she is adorable!! Thank you!!"
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