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I am so excited to share this recipe on how to make apple cider vinegar for your bunnies! I tried this last year and it didn't go exactly as planned (I didn't stir the jar enough 😅) so I am looking forward to trying again this year with fresh apples from our apple tree.

Uses and Benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar For Bunnies
Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV) has tons of great health benefits for bunnies and is full of essential vitamins and minerals as well as valuable enzymes and probiotics! Some of these benefits include: smoother, shinier, softer fur; healthier digestion; helping to prevent urinary tract infections; and deterring pests such as fleas. We usually add 1 to 2 tablespoons of ACV daily per gallon of water. You can also mix a 50/50 spray of ACV and water that can be used to clean up accidents while litter training your bunny (this will neutralize the smell and prevent help remarking) and can also be lightly sprayed onto your bunny's (or any pet's) fur and gently rubbed in to help naturally treat and deter fleas. Plus ACV has lots of other amazing home uses in cooking, cleaning, etc.
How To Make Your Own: DIY Apple Cider Vinegar Recipe
Things you will need: Glass Jar (or other similar container) - You can find Ball Canning Jars on Amazon here Piece of fabric/coffee filter/etc. (we used a piece of cheesecloth) Rubber Band Apple Scraps (you can use cores, peels, or even whole apple slices) Filtered Water Sugar (1 Tablespoon per cup of water)
Steps: 1. Fill the jar 3/4 of the way full with your apple scraps 2. Stir 1 Tbs of sugar per cup of water until mostly dissolved and pour into the jar until the apple scraps are completely covered (leave a few inches of air at the top of the jar) 3. Cover with fabric and secure with the rubber band 4. Put in a warm, dark place for 2 weeks (you may stir it every few days and remove any brownish/greyish scum off the top) 5. After 2 weeks, strain the apple scraps out of the liquid 6. Set aside for another 2 to 4 weeks 7. Once it is done, cap the jar and enjoy!
Apple Cider Vinegar With The Mother
The "mother" is often credited to be the main cause of ACV's health benefits and is full of nutrients! Over time, the mother will form as a jelly-like blob floating on the top of your homemade ACV. Adding a little raw Apple Cider Vinegar with the mother, either from the store or from a previous batch with the mother, can help to kickstart your homemade batch and add lots of health benefits for your bunnies! You can also opt to buy ACV with the Mother already made if you want to get started on having the benefits of apple cider vinegar for your bunnies right away or aren't able to make your own ACV. Bragg is a great brand which you can buy on Amazon by the gallon here or in a 16 ounce bottle here, both at a very affordable price. We use Bragg Organic Apple Cider Vinegar in our bunnies' water and love it! Plus, one bottle will last you ages, especially if you only have a single bunny!
Hopefully this was helpful if you were looking into making ACV for your bunnies but weren't sure where to start! There are lots more tips online on making your own Apple Cider Vinegar too and I am looking forward to trying this recipe for our bunnies again!! 💕